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Using UNHCR name to scam internet users
Using UNHCR name to scam internet users
Mamadou Saïdou Diallo 🇬🇳
Mamadou Saïdou Diallo 🇬🇳
March 12, 2024

For some time now, a link attributed to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has been shared in Meta’s messaging systems – WhatsApp and Messenger-. It is simply misinformation or, for that matter, a semblance of an announcement of a government subsidy for the fight against poverty that pushes Internet users to answer a number of questions to get a grant of 6,780,560 GNF (put in CFA) to fight poverty. Beware, it’s misinformation! The UN Refugee Agency has not launched any call for grants. Dialogue Migration took an interest in this subject.

United Nations organisations are often used in scams  through recruitment advertisements, travel, job opportunities, etc. Such is the case with this hoax http://surfline.buzz/lKw8nv/The-URAG-Poverty-Alleviation-Subsidy which attributed to UNHCR and shared several times on messaging platforms in Guinea. It reads: “Government subsidy for the fight against poverty. Through the questionnaire, you will have a chance to get 6,780,560 GNF.” However, this link has nothing to do with a grant launched by UNHCR.

A link that directs you to a questionnaire

First of all, the announcement does not come from the official website of the UN Refugee Agency. As proof, this link shared in several platforms is not authentic http://surfline.buzz/lKw8nv/The-URAG-Poverty-Alleviation-Subsidy 

As soon as you open this fake link attributed to UNHCR, the interface of the site is very poor in terms of information sections.  Here we show you a screenshot that our editorial team took on August 22, 2023 by opening this famous link.


When you complete the four questions asked, you will receive another congratulatory message that is not related to a grant. Further, they ask you to send to 5 people and share in 20 WhatsApp groups to receive gifts.Therefore, the announcement does not reflect a subsidy provided by UNHCR.

The calls for projects or grants often launched by this agency of the United Nations refugee system are demanding and professional

What you need to know about UNHCR

UNHCR  is the UN Refugee Agency dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes due to conflict and persecution. The agency works internationally to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people. 

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Attention à la désinformation : cas de UNHCR
Mamadou Saïdou Diallo 🇬🇳

Mamadou Saïdou Diallo 🇬🇳

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