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Niger, a space with very ancient origins
Niger, a space with very ancient origins
Youssouf Abdoulaye Haidara 🇳🇪
Youssouf Abdoulaye Haidara 🇳🇪
February 07, 2023

In addition to facing the security threat in the Sahel and hosting refugees fleeing conflicts in Nigeria and Mali, Niger is the main crossroads of sub-Saharan Africa’s migration routes. Where does the word Niger come from? What does it mean? What does migration bring to the country? It is to all these questions that “Dialogue Migration” tries to answer in this document.

NB: The English subtitle of the podcast is available. In case you do not see it, please activate the subtitle icon on the right side of the video.


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Le Niger, un espace aux origines très anciennes
Youssouf Abdoulaye Haidara 🇳🇪

Youssouf Abdoulaye Haidara 🇳🇪

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