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Migration: 1,377,146 people forcibly displaced in Chad
Migration: 1,377,146 people forcibly displaced in Chad
Ndengar Masbé 🇧🇫
Ndengar Masbé 🇧🇫
March 11, 2024

Chad borders a number of countries that are experiencing internal conflicts. These conflicts emanate either from political or military actors, or from rebellions or provoked by terrorist groups. These various conflicts have led to huge movements of people fleeing the atrocities. Many people have found refuge in neighboring Chad. At the end of October 2023, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) drew up a staggering assessment.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported that 1,377,146 people are forcibly displaced in Chad. According to the same source, there are 1,055,122 refugees living on Chadian territory and 5,553 asylum-seekers. UNHCR reports 77,650 Chadian returnees from the Central African Republic and has estimated 80,986 returnees who have arrived in eastern Chad. In addition to Sudanese living in Chad, during 2023, UNHCR reported 450,636 new arrivals from Sudan.

The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) has also mapped the countries of origin. Sudan ranks first with 877,176 refugees and 2,595 asylum-seekers. This is followed by the Central African Republic with 128,619 refugees and 2,377 asylum seekers. Cameroon is in third place with 26,747 refugees and 66 asylum seekers. It is followed by Nigeria, with 21,178 refugees and 350 asylum-seekers.

The age range of refugees and asylum-seekers has been established by the UN agency. The largest number of women aged 18 to 59 are 270,305 and 173,444 men in the same age group. 124,028 are females aged 5 – 11 and 124,449 are males. There are 87,335 women aged 11 to 17 and 84,245 men in the same age group. There are 76,403 women between 00 and 04 years of age, compared with 77,424 men. There are an estimated 25,915 women over the age of 60 and 17,127 men in the age of 60.

According to UNHCR, 93% of the population of refugee and asylum-seeking children in Chad is of educational age and 67% of the population of refugees and asylum-seekers in Chad live in camps. UNHCR also mentions that 57% of the female population is of reproductive age (13-49 years) while 54% of the refugee and asylum-seeking population in Chad are children.

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Migration : 1 377 146 personnes en déplacement forcé au Tchad
Ndengar Masbé 🇧🇫

Ndengar Masbé 🇧🇫

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