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Story of a young Guinean: from migration to the choice to stay in the village
Story of a young Guinean: from migration to the choice to stay in the village
Mamadou Saïdou Diallo 🇬🇳
Mamadou Saïdou Diallo 🇬🇳
March 27, 2024

The migration route is very difficult, there are so many challenges along the way, confides Mamadou Lamarana Diallo from Mali in the Republic of Guinea.

Looking back on his journey, he recounts, “When I left Guinea in 2020, I went to Mauritania, where I spent two years. I worked in a small café bar with a brother.” Before reaching Libya, Mamadou Aliou spent 20 days on the road. He said he went to “a country where life is expensive. In addition to insecurity, he couldn’t even find work.”

Mamadou Lamarana spent seven months in Libya hoping to reach Europe by crossing the Mediterranean. He encountered several difficulties: lack of work, hunger, insecurity. He recalls: “I used to stop by the side of the road to wait for Libyans who were looking for people to work on construction sites, it was on these occasions that I earned some money to buy food.”

Family constraint

Family played a big role in his decision to return to Guinea, because according to him, the family received worrying information. He still remembers that his mother was constantly worried about him, “she thought too much about me.” And indeed, my mother frequently fell ill because of my absence and the risk I took to reach Europe.

Mamadou Lamarana spent a good time in Algeria after leaving Libya. Also, he found that things were not going well in Algeria. That’s why he decided at that time to register with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) so that he could  be assisted in returning to Guinea.

His time in Algeria allowed him to learn a trade “I learned how to do tiling on construction sites with other Guineans. Practicing this trade allowed me to have a small income to meet my basic needs.” Today, he says, he has not fully mastered this trade, but the little experience he has allows him to have something.

Return to the homeland

This 26-year-old young man decided to return home considering his situation, on one hand. On the other hand, his mother was constantly worried about him, often falling ill because of his absence. But also, the images of migrants shown on social media worried my mother so much, he confides. 

. Finally, he decided to return to Guinea, precisely to his native village.

He points out that he spent a considerable amount of money estimated at 2,500,000 FCFA (two million five hundred thousand francs) for his journey. This amount is divided between his departure to Mauritania, going to Libya, Algeria and until his return to Guinea.

Nowadays, from his native village, Mamadou Lamarana Diallo continues to send a strong message to young people who want to go to the West: “I ask all those who want to migrate to choose the legal path, while seeking the necessary documents before moving.” Consequently, he advises against all those who want to engage in illegal migration. Certainly, “there are people who succeed on the way, but they are fewer compared to those who fail.”

Choice and desire to stay in the country

The young man no longer has a travel plan; he wishes to stay in the country. According to him, if he manages to get a small job, he would prefer to stay in Guinea. Although, he has not engaged in any activity other than supporting his parents in agricultural work in the villages since his return in April 2023.

When other people’s lives creates envy

The investments of  expatriates in their localities contribute to reinforcing the desire of other young people to travel in hopes of reaching the West.

“Seeing others who are in Europe doing well for their parents, how they build beautiful houses and buy cars, all these elements motivate us as young people to go and do like them, even more than them, hoping to have money,” affirms Mamadou Lamarana Diallo.

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Récit d’un jeune guinéen : de la migration, au choix de rester au village 
Mamadou Saïdou Diallo 🇬🇳

Mamadou Saïdou Diallo 🇬🇳

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